
Thursday 3 January 2013

Animals Deserve More Respect Than This.......Photo+Video

The use of a cannula in a cannulated cow allows access to one of the four stomachs of the cow, the rumen. This access to the rumen can allow for a forage quality analysis. This analysis can help producers to identify the nutritional needs of a cow, identify the optimal and most cost-effective Total Mix Ration (TMR), research the effects of chosen food on the cow's health and provide the farmer with knowledge about his cattle. It actually helps the cows they say. However, ... 'knowledge is power'. I did my RESAERCH  so not to just judge from pictures alone. My first question was 'why are they doing this?' so i looked for answers and from what I just read this is a legitimate treatment for cows or sheep with a specific disorder appearently called 'bloat'. I got this site from a wikipedia-article about cannulae:

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