
Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Heartbroken Father Pays Touching Tribute To His Late Wife Who Died During Childbirth (Photos)

A distraught new father has penned a heart wrenching tribute to his late wife, a popular YouTube mom who died during childbirth.
The new father is mourning the death of his soulmate who died during childbirth, leaving him with their newborn son.
Ida and Mustafa are a popular social media couple with impressive followership. They documented their pregnancy journey via YouTube and couldn’t wait to welcome their son. Sadly, Ida did not get to meet the son she so longed for.
Mustafa, who has now been left to cater for baby Prince Mushin alone, still can’t get over the heartbreak of losing his one true love and he’s been publishing really heartbreaking posts on social media.
Shortly after she died, he wrote:

Mesh I’m ready for u to wake me up and tell me I’m dreaming. This can’t [be] real, I can’t rap my head around how u lose your life bringing another life into this world. U was sooo excited about having our child. All I can see is the look of fear on your face and I couldn’t do nothing about it. I haven’t cried this hard since my mom passed. This is so heart breaking. It’s so sad because I can’t even enjoy our son life. Damn I’m going to miss u calling right after I get off work or making sure I kissed u whenever I enter or left the house. You are truly the definition of an independent wman. My heart really hurts right now and feels so empty. Damn man?Please tell my mom I love and miss her and what I became in life. For those that know me, u know what I been through in life and this by far is the toughest. Please pray for my strength. I love u mesh aka dirt dirt.

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