
Monday, 7 January 2019

Young Nigerian Woman @Thesimesty Narrates How Her Mom Was Murdered On New Year’s Day

On January 1, 2019; when many homes were celebrating and thanking God for preserving their lives to see another year, a particular family was experiencing excruciating pains from the hands of wicked men of the underworld who murdered the mother of the house in cold blood.
Taking to Twitter, @thesimesty recounted the terrifying manner in which her mom was murdered by armed robbers and the effect the situation has had on her family ever since.

Sharing a photo the family had taken a year earlier, she narrated:

January 1, 2019. I saw my own mother get shot at. I saw her in a pool of her own blood. I saw the armed robbers rough handle my father and all I could do was scream. Under the cover of festivity and firework sounds, my mum was murdered on New Year's day.
My dad was admitted and so was I. 2019 has started on the worst note ever. My hero and life-giver has fallen. The robbers took all the working devices in the house and it was too late to call for help. My dad’s birthday was yesterday. I’ve never seen him cry but I did this year.
January 1st can never be a happy day for me anymore. It will always be a reminder of what has been taken from my dad and siblings. This heartbreak is too much for me. It is still like a bad dream. A nightmare”

May the soul of the departed rest in peace, Amen!

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