
Friday, 20 January 2017

Life For Bala Chinda Who Murdered £220-An-Hour Nigerian Prostitute In Scotland

Bala ChindaImage result for 36-year-old Jessica Nkechi McGraa
A man has been found guilty of the "depraved" rape and murder of a mother in Aberdeen.
Bala Chinda, 26, denied killing 37-year-old Nkechi McGraa - an escort also known as Jessica - at a flat in Union Terrace in February last year.
Chinda sobbed as he was jailed for life, with a minimum term of 18 years, after a jury at the High Court in Aberdeen returned its verdict.

Police Scotland said it was a "horrific" case.
The murder verdict was unanimous, and the rape verdict decided by a majority.
Chinda, whose father works at the Nigerian embassy in Beijing, killed Ms McGraa only a few weeks after arriving in Scotland to study at Robert Gordon University.
Her body was found partially clothed on 12 February 2016, in the bedroom of the flat she rented.
CCTV footage revealed that she had travelled to Chinda's student accommodation on King Street with him in a taxi the previous evening, before they returned to her apartment a short time later.
CCTV footage revealed Jessica McGraa had got into a taxi with her killer Bala Chinda
The taxi driver said he heard them discussing money before she was killed.
She made her last call on her mobile phone a few minutes before surveillance cameras recorded Chinda walking down the street away from her flat.

'Terrifying cicrumstances'

The court heard that Ms McGraa died of asphyxiation and was probably smothered with a pillow and possibly strangled with her scarf.
CCTV footage shows killer Bala Chinda following Jessica McGraa
During the trial it emerged that Ms McGraa had a seven-year-old son who lived with her adopted mother in London.
Ms McGraa was originally from Nigeria and was orphaned as a child. She used to send money back to her two sisters and brothers who lived abroad.
Det Ch Insp Stuart Houston said: "At the heart of this horrific crime was a young mother, daughter and friend whose life was cut tragically short in what must have been terrifying circumstances.
"Throughout, Chinda has shown no real remorse for his depraved action and taken no responsibility for robbing a young boy of his mother."
He said the victim's involvement in prostitution had been reported throughout the case, and the policing of prostitution presented complex challenges.
It is understood Jessica only returned to Scotland’s oil capital from London a couple of weeks ago, having lived and worked there in the past.
Gareth was working as a chief mechanic with Atlantic Drilling in Nigeria in 2005 when he met Jessica in a Port Harcourt bar.
He said: “Coincidentally I was being transferred to Lagos and she was going there at the same time so we travelled together.

Jessica MCGraa
Killed: She was found dead at a flat in Aberdeen 

“We were married in Nigeria very shortly after that. Her family were there and we celebrated in a hotel restaurant in Lagos.
“I knew she was using me for a passport to a certain extent but I felt more than that.”
Gareth revealed that he, Jessica and their son enjoyed a family Christmas, spending five days at a spa hotel.
He said: “We had our barneys like couples do but I spoke to her every other day. She was with me for 10 years.”

Jessica McGraa
Mother: The couple had a son 

They last spoke on Tuesday last week, three days before Jessica was found dead in a flat in Aberdeen's Union Terrace.
Two days ago, police arrived to break the shattering news to Gareth – and revealed the shocking truth about Jessica’s double life.
He insists he had no suspicion that Jessica was selling sex.

Jessica MCGraa
Lies: Jessica told loves ones she sold hair extensions 

He said: “She liked to be the centre of attention but she wasn’t a girl to put it about – she wasn’t at all like that, never.
“When I met her I don’t think she’d had more than a handful of lovers in all her life.
“She wasn’t cheap and liked her Gucci and Armani handbags. She loved the high life and wanted all her dreams to come true tomorrow.
“But she was also a pious person who believed in God. I knew what I was walking into but I really cared for the girl.
“To my mind, and hers, we were going to get back together at some point.
“Not just me, the two of us. I wanted it, she wanted it so why not? But I only ever got half the story. I thought I knew her and it hurts.”

Jessica MCGraa
Aliases: Jessica was also Ebony Bianca and Kelly West on escort sites 

Jessica used aliases including Ebony Bianca and Kelly West on escort sites.
She described herself as “classic, stylish, naughty, horny, sexy” and promised the “ultimate girlfriend experience”.
Meg Kirk, who met Jessica while working in the Lapisgold jewellers in Aberdeen’s Union Square shopping centre, said: “She was polite, lively and we laughed and we talked.
“She was selling some Brazilian hair extensions and I said I’d like to see them. She said I should call in to see her any time I was passing.”

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