
Thursday, 28 January 2021

Full list of countries on the UK’s quarantine ‘red list'


The UK has released a new ‘red-list’ of high-risk countries in a bid to keep mutant strains of coronavirus from spreading further.

Travellers from the destinations on the red list will have to quarantine for 10 days in Government sanctioned hotels or other suitable accommodation.

Foreign citizens in the red-list countries are already banned from entering the country, while British travellers coming from countries in the red list will be escorted directly from the airport to their rooms, where they will have to pay a bill of around £1,500 for their stay.

In a bid to stop unnecessary travel out of the country, Home Secretary Priti Patel told MPs today, Jan 28, that Britons would be sent home from airports and ports if they could not prove their trip was "essential".

Schools will reopen in March, non-essential shops in APRIL, pubs and restaurants in MAY at the earliest (but NO word on gyms and hairdressers): Boris Johnson 'is planning to ease England's national coronavirus lockdown in three stages'


Boris Johnson is planning to ease England's lockdown in three stages, it was claimed today, with pubs and restaurants potentially not allowed to reopen until May at the earliest. The Prime Minister is said to be working on a lockdown exit strategy which would see the Government adopt a 'staggered approach' to removing coronavirus curbs. The PM announced yesterday schools will not reopen before March 8 and the Government has repeatedly stressed they will be the first thing to return when measures can be lifted. Reports suggest that non-essential shops could then be given the green light to welcome back customers a month later in April with pubs and restaurants having to wait until May.