The Inspector-General of Police, Adamu Mohammed, has ordered an investigation into a viral video showing some police officers in Ibadan, Oyo state harassing a female suspect.
The officers had gone to the home of a suspected kidnapper and armed robber to arrest him and there they met the 25-year-old lady who gave her name as Towobola.
The policemen, after taking the kidnap suspect away, faced Towobola, handcuffed her and accused her of sleeping with the alleged kidnapper.
One of the police officers who identified himself as ‘Wyclef’, brought out his phone and started to film Tobowola as he asked her questions about her sex life.
Wyclef in the video mocked Towobola, telling her that young ladies are fond of dating men with questionable wealth which often lands them in trouble. He stated that if he were to woo Towobola, she would not give in to his advances but would rather have sex with criminals.