
Saturday, 23 December 2017

Top 27 Best Foods That Increase Sex Drive In Men And Women

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Foods have used to increase sexual desire for years, but do you know that some foods can help improve your sex performance? If you want to know more about natural foods that increase sex drive, read on this entire article right now.

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best foods that increase sex drive in both men and women naturally that you should add to your cooking on a regularly basis. Now, if you want to get more information about sexual health and libido- boosting foods, keep both of your eyes on this entire writing right now.

There are some foods that increase sex drive in men and women out there and they do wonders for both men and women. They include:

1. Spinach

Spinach is the first one out of the best foods that increase sex drive in women and in men that I want to reveal in this article today and want you and my other readers to consume more. Consuming spinach helps you increase blood flow to the body’s parts below the belt. According toa study [1], spinach has high content of magnesium, which is a mineral to reduce inflammation in blood vessels. According to a study, increased blood flow carries and drives blood to the extremities, which work as a Viagra to make sexual activity more pleasurable and increase arousal. Women will have an orgasm more easily and men will have erections more naturally.

2. Dark Chocolate

Other best foods that increase sex drive in men and women you should know and then try to make use must include dark chocolate. According to a study about chocolate and dopamine[2], dark chocolate increases the levels of both dopamine and serotonin in the brain, making both men and women happy and reducing their stress level. There is a fact that cocoa helps increase blood flow to the arteries and simultaneously relax the blood vessels, driving blood to all of the essential areas.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

According to a research about health benefits of pumpkin [3] consuming some pumpkin seeds may increase your spirits effectively. This is because these seeds are one of the great sources of tryptophan, which may help increase the production of serotonin in the brain, thus increasing your sex drive naturally. Also, pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc which is good for the production of healthy sperm. Moreover, they are also packed with libido vitamins and minerals.
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4. Green Tea
The secret to a better nightlife may start with a cup of green tea due to its high content of catechins. According to a study about catechins and weight loss [4], catechins can help reduce belly fat and increase the liver’s capacity for converting fat into energy. Addition to this, catechins also stimulates sexual desire by increasing blood flow to your essential regions. Also, drinking green tea can make blood vessel cells release nitric oxide, increasing the blood vessels’ size and resulting in improved blood flow.
If you want to know best foods that you should consume for better sex power in both men and women, read on 51 Best Diet And Foods For Sex Power In Men And Women 
5. Peppers

The hotter peppers are the better effects they bring about. Actually, hot peppers help increase the metabolism and boost the level of endorphins, plumping your lips, making you sweat and boosting up your heart rate. Also, consuming hot peppers helps the blood flow to all of the right areas. Actually, this is one of the best foods that increase sex drive in men you should know and then add more of the hot peppers to your diet for good.
List of Top 15 Effective Ways On How To Maintain A Healthy Heart will help you know some of the most effective tips that can help you keep your heart healthy, so check it out!
6. Chili
Capsaicin found in chili can actually increase your libido. When eating chilis, you can increase your heart rate and result in the release of endorphins, which pumps your libido. Actually, this is among the natural foods that increase sex drive in men, so you should not look down, yet try to add it to your daily diet for good.
7. Almonds
Almonds have long been considered as a symbol of fertility. This is because they are high in zinc and selenium, which are good for reproductive health. Addition to this, omega-3 fatty acids found in almonds can also increase blood flow and sex drive naturally.
8. Pine Nuts
Pine nuts are packed with zinc and people who have higher levels of zinc have been found to experience a higher sex drive and sex performance than those who have lower levels of zinc. The easiest way to add pine nuts to your diet is to toss these nuts into your salad. Actually, pine nuts are one among the best foods that increase sex drive in men that you should know, especially if you want to increase sex drive and boost the libido through diet.
9. Celery
Consuming celery can increase the level of pheromone in men, making them become more attractive to their partners. However, be sure that you should consume organic celery as non-organic celery can contain toxic chemicals that can mess with your libido.
There are other natural foods that increase sex drive in women and men in this article. So, keep reading this writing and then try to include more of these foods into your diet on a regular basis..
10. Coconut Water
If you are looking for foods that increase sex drive in women and men, so you should not look down coconut water, yet try to drink more coconut water for good. Coconut water can help improve blood flow to your essential regions. So, drink coconut water or include it into your smoothies for a better sex drive.
11. Oysters

Oysters are a great source of zinc, which is a mineral to increase the testosterone levels while increasing growth hormone. Both of these hormones boost up the muscle growth as well as physical performance. According to a study, the deficiencies of zinc can be a cause of infertility resulting from low testosterone levels. Therefore, oysters are among the best foods that increase sex drive and you should not look down these oysters when it comes to how you can increase sex drive naturally.
12. Nuts
Nuts are actually among best foods that increase sex drive in women and in men that you should not skip. Peanuts, pistachios and walnuts all have the amino acid L-arginine, which helps men keep their erections for longer. Addition to this, nuts also help lower the cholesterol levels, which can help maintain a harder erection.
13. Arugula
When it comes to natural foods that increase sex drive in men and women, you should not look down arugula. Considered as a libido-boosting property, this leafy green vegetable can help you increase sex drive naturally ad effectively. Besides, arugula is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can give you a libido kick. So, you should add this food to your smoothies, salads and soups.
14. Salmon
Salmon and other oily cold-water fish contain high content of omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient benefits the heart and simultaneously increases the level of dopamine in the brain. The increased dopamine levels improve blood circulation, triggering arousal. Dopamine can make you feel more connected to your partner, making sexual activity more fun. Actually, salmon is one of the best foods that can help sex driving and men who want to boost their libido and increase their sex drive should try to add this healthy fish to their daily diet.
15. Ginger
Ginger is another one of the natural foods that increase sex drive by increasing blood flow to your essential regions and improving artery health. Actually, consuming a teaspoon of ginger a couple of times a week can help you reap all of its benefits for human health, including heart health.
Now, keep reading this article to discover other foods that increase sex drive in women and in men and then try to add these libido-boosting foods to your daily diet for good.
16. Basil
The scent of basil is associated with arousal. Women used to apply basil oil and powder onto their skin in order to attract their partners. It increases blood circulation and improves the heart health, which are required for the libido. You do not need to bathe in basil leave water to reap its benefits, simply garnish your meals with fresh basil leaves. So, basil is actually one of the best foods that increase sex drive and you should not look down it if you want to increase your sex drive in bed.
17. Garlic

Ancient Egyptians made use of garlic to increase their stamina. Researchers have found that consuming garlic helps stop the formation of nanoplaques inside arterial walls, thus increasing sex drive in men. As a result, keep the heart healthy and the erections stronger by including garlic to your weekly diet. However, keep in mind that the consumption of garlic will cause bad breath, so keep it away from your date- night diet. So, if you are looking for natural foods that increase sex drive in women and in men and do not want to take any harmful drugs and pills, consider adding more garlic to your cooking.
18. Potatoes
Whether being the sweet or white variety, they are one of the best foods that increase sex drive thanks to their high content of potassium. This nutrient helps increase blood circulation, which may help you increase your sexual desire and have better sexual performance. Also, potatoes can improve your mood.
19. Cinnamon
Other natural foods that increase sex drive in men you should consume more must include cinnamon. Actually, cinnamon can heat the body and increase your appetite in both sexual and physical. Cinnamon oil is used to improve cognitive function; therefore, you can stay more attentive to your partner. Sprinkle some cinnamon in your yogurt, coffee or milk. Alternatively, you can use cinnamon to zest up your cakes, muffins, cupcakes and cookies.
20. Red Wine
If you are looking for natural foods that increase sex drive and boost your libido, try drinking a glass of red wine. Women who consumed 1-2 glasses of red wine have more sexual desire than those who did not.
21. Watermelon
Watermelon has more content of lycopene than tomatoes and this nutrient works as a Viagra to relax blood vessels and increase blood circulation to essential regions. Besides, this cool-refreshing fruit has citrulline amino acid, which can help with the cardiovascular system and increase sex drive. Actually, this is also among best foods that increase sex drive and a lot of men in the world love and have been consuming this refreshing fruit for good.
22. Pomegranate Juice
A recent study found that pomegranate juice can have positive effects on erections. Pomegranate has high content of antioxidants that increase blood flow. Just make sure to water the pomegranate juice down a bit. Actually, this is one of the foods that increase sex drive in men that you should not look down, yet consider adding pomegranate juice to your diet for good.
23. Blueberries

When it comes to natural foods that increase sex drive, you should not look down blueberries, but try to add these healthy fruits to your daily diet for good. Blueberries can make erections harder. According to a study, consuming flavonoid-rich foods can be associated with a decreased risk of getting ED in men.
24. Oats
If you want to increase sex drive naturally, reach for some oatmeal. This cereal is a great source of I-arginine, which is an amino acid to cure erectile dysfunction. Addition to this, oatmeal also aids to lower cholesterol levels. Actually, having high cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, which is a health condition clogging and narrowing arteries, this impairing blood circulation.
25. Maca
It is one of the best foods that increase sex drive and you should not look down it if you want to boost your libido through diet. Known as Peru’s natural Viagra, this root has been used to increase sex drive. According to a study, the maca plant can be used to increase stamina, strength, fertility, energy and libido. So, you should start adding this root to your morning smoothies.
26. Eggs
If you want to increase sex drive, you should eat eggs for breakfast. This is because eggs are a great source of vitamins B5, B6. So, eat a hardboiled egg in order to maintain your energy and hormone levels. Actually, eggs are among the best foods that increase sex drive and you should try to consume more, especially if you want to increase your sex power naturally.
27. Asparagus
This is the last but very important one of top foods that increases sex drive that you should consume more, especially if you do not want to take pills, drugs or medications. Asparagus is rich in folate that helps increase the histamine production. Actually, histamine is necessary for a better sex drive in both men and women. Try to buy fresh and organic asparagus to help you reap all of its benefits.
If you want to increase sex drive and boost your libido, you should add these healthy foods to your daily diet and consume them regularly. After reading this writing about foods that increase sex drive, I hope that all of my readers can consider consuming more of these foods as I mentioned above as soon as possible. All of these foods are proven to increase sex drive and give people a libido kick naturally without causing any unwanted side effects. Besides, if you think that this list is helpful, feel free to share this list with other people around you who want to improve their ability in bed naturally and effectively. Also, if you know other natural foods that increase sex drive, share them with us by leaving your comments in the comment box below.

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