
Saturday, 25 July 2020

Imam Of Peace Calls For Arrest Of Buhari Over Repentant Boko Haram Terrorists

601 repentant Boko Haram militants deradicalised, reintegrated ...
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Controversial Islamic Cleric and popular Twiter influencer, Mohammad Tawhidi is better known as Imam of Peace has called for the arrest of President Muhammad Buhari over his government’s decision to release repented Boko Haram members to the society.

Citing a publication by Daily Post Nigeria the controversial cleric wrote, “He freed Boko Haram and they’ve killed thousands. Massacre after massacre. TREASON”

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He went on to share gory images of people killed recently in Southern Kaduna by Fulani herdsmen accusing the president corruption while alleging that Buhari is collaborating with Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists who massacre people only to be granted presidential pardon on the grounds that they have repented.

He wrote, “Charged for corruption should be the last thing he worries about. Buhari should he charged for collaborating with the Fulani CULT and striking a deal to free thousands of Boko Haram Jihadists who have killed thousands this year alone! #ArrestBuhari“

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