
Friday, 12 January 2018

Fat Turn Sexy: Lady Shares Amazing Body Transformation (photos)

Getting sexy after being plus size is not really easy but this lady @omg_kdja broke that bound and she did it. she uploaded a before and after picture of herself with this caption...
"2018 I’m gonna break you properly, ain’t gonna let no one stop me, watch me �••• Before you get to anywhere in life your mind � needs to get there first. You have to first envisage and explore the idea mentally. Everything starts in your mind ��‍♀️therefore make sure you get that straight before anything else. When I was at my heaviest ⬅️ I knew this wasn’t the life for me and I set about reinventing myself. Inwardly I’m pretty much the same person but with a bit more added extras.. What’s the purpose of this post...?? It’s a new year and I’m sure as we all have seen so many posts of “New Year, New Me” ����. Every year is a new year but you don’t need a new year to reinvent yourself or change your mind set. I’m already someone who doesn’t stop until their satisfied (that’s also a flaw ��‍♀️) and I’m never satisfied until I’m you get it? I said to myself, I really won’t let ANYTHING or ANYONE ( apart from the Almighty ☝�) stop me from getting what I want and deserve. So before you embark on #thekefirplan @kefirplan or any other plans you’ve got for this year....think �‍♀️ about ✔️ how you’re going to get there ✔️what will it take to get there and✔️ most importantly how would it feel to get there! And carry that feeling with you through the times when that idea/dream seems so far removed ❤️ #positivevibes #positivethinking #positivethoughts #transformationtuesday #transformation #healthyliving #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #fitfam #fitspo #fitsporation #fitspiration #fitstagram #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivation #beforeandafter #effyourbeautystandards #gains #curves #beastmode #allnatural"

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