Veteran actor and comedian, Babatunde Omidina, popularly known as Baba Suwe, is reportedly undergoing health challenges, an anonymous source has disclosed. It was reported few years back, Baba Suwe was arrested by NDLEA at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, on his way to a foreign trip, on an allegation of drug trafficking.
He was kept in custody for days but was later released after days of rigorous screening. He was exonerated when no incriminating evidence was found.
The Yoruba comic actor also approached the court for the restoration of his fundamental human rights; and for adequate compensation.
The court ruled in his favour and he was granted general damages of N25 million against NDLEA.
However, reports that ace comedian cannot fund his medical bills because his money is yet to be paid by NDLEA.
It was also reported that Baba Suwe’s friends and professional colleagues were not willing to help solve his health challenge.
“Baba Suwe is a good man. None of his people can say he is bad. And they are not helping him, not because he behaved badly to them. They are not helping him because they care only about their family,” their source reveals.
However, Baba suwe has come out to confirm the story making round the town that he is seriously sick and needs medical attention urgently. He also appeals to Nigerians to assist him financially.
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