
Monday, 6 April 2020

Britain's Daily Deaths And New Infections Drop By Almost A THIRD: Signs of hope as 439 fatalities are recorded in a day - the lowest 24-hour toll in almost a week - and UK records 3,802 new cases - 2,000 less than yesterday

Coronavirus UK: Death toll hits 5,373 as 439 die in England
Updated statistics from NHS England, Public Health Wales and the Scottish Government revealed the death toll for Sunday, announced this afternoon, was 30 per cent lower than for the previous day. This marks the second day in a row that the number of new coronavirus fatalities has dropped, sparking hopes that the Government's lockdown plan is starting to work.
Although death numbers have, in past weeks, surged on Tuesdays from Monday lows, countries across Europe are now seeing their fatality counts drop as the effects of social distancing filter through to hospitals. London has been worst affected in the most recent death toll (pictured left, paramedics at St Thomas' Hospital), with 129 deaths announced today. Officials and insiders say the NHS is still coping well with the crisis and there are still enough facilities to handle the numbers of COVID-19 patients (pictured bottom right, an ambulance at the Nightingale Hospital in East London and, top right, health workers being swabbed for coronavirus testing at a site in Edgbaston, Birmingham).

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