R&B crooner Bobby Brown lost his battle for legal guardianship over his brain dead daughter, Bobbi Kristina brown, in a DeKalb County court yesterday. Brown is battling his mother-in-law, Cissy Houston, and sister-in-law, Pat Houston, for custody of Bobbi Kristina.
Bobbi Kristina, 22, drowned in her bathtub at home on Jan. 31. She has been on life support ever since.
INFphoto.com reports Brown lost his case on Thursday. No other source confirms INFphoto.com’s report, and Sandrarose.com does not have an informant inside the DeKalb County Courthouse.
In her Will, Bobbi Krissy’s mother, Whitney Houston, left the bulk of her $22 million estate to Bobbi Kristina. But in the event of Bobbi K’s early demise, the estate would turn over to Cissy Houston and Pat Houston, with Pat being named in the Will as conservator of the estate.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution spoke with an estate executor who said, even if Brown won the case, he would not have access to Bobbi K’s money.
From AJC.com:
Worrall clarified that guardianship is used in reference to the person while a conservator takes care of the finances. He added that it is not uncommon for a person to apply for both guardianship and conservatorship.“It would be appropriate for him to apply for guardianship, conservatorship or both. Once (Brown) is appointed as guardian he would have the authority to handle her person. A conservator would have the authority to make financial decisions. Certainly somebody needs to handle her financial affairs,” Worrall said, according to AJC.Worrall said that even if Bobby Brown is allowed to become Bobbi Kristina’s guardian, his daughter will remain the sole heir as Whitney’s will states.
Cissy, left, and Pat attended the custody hearing yesterday. It isn’t clear if Brown was in court.
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